How To Clean Earphone Buds? Here Is The Trick

If you’ve been wondering how to properly clean your earphone buds, we have the answer! Check out our simple trick and see if it helps make your music listening experience that much better.


Keeping earphone buds clean is essential for any music lover. The tips in this article will show you the steps to do so.
At first, blow on the earphones to remove any loose debris. Then, take a cotton swab and dip it in rubbing alcohol. Clean the outside of the bud with it and then make sure you dry off the bud before plugging it back in. You should also try to clean out your ears every day with something like a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to prevent any build-up that can affect sound quality. Use these tricks whenever possible and you’ll be on your way to happy listening sessions!

How to clean airpods or Earphones easily Best Method, Best method to clean earphone at home, Clean earphone in 2 minutes.
How to clean Airpods or Earphones easily Best Method

How to clean Earphones?

Earbuds are the most common type of headphone, and they can get dirty easily. They should be cleaned regularly to make sure they don’t overheat and damage your ears with bacteria. One way to clean earbuds is by spraying them with a little bit of rubbing alcohol, it will dissolve any wax or other dirt on the earphone. Next, take a cotton swab and dip it in water or rubbing alcohol and then gently rub the inside of the earphone from top to bottom. This will ensure that there is no bacteria left over in your earphones.

  • Safe DIY method for earphone cleaning

Most people would just buy a new set of buds, but if you want to save a buck or two, try this DIY method. You need two cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol. First, take one of the cotton swabs and wet it with the rubbing alcohol. Then insert the cotton swab into one earphone bud. Twist it around to clean the bud and then squeeze out the excess liquid. Finally, do the same thing with a different earphone bud. Cleaning your own earphones is much cheaper than buying new ones!

  • Use of Alcohol for earphones

You can use alcohol to clean your earphones. This will remove dirt and debris from the earphone buds. To do this, take a cotton swab and dip it in rubbing alcohol. Swirl around inside the earphone bud to clean away any dirt or debris. Once you are finished, let the alcohol dry before putting back in your ears.


Earphone buds are very sensitive and can easily attract dust, which leads to uncomfortable earwax build-ups. Follow these steps below to clean your earphone buds in 3 easy steps:
-Keep the bud flipped inside out and shake it out vigorously to remove dirt.
-Put a droplet of olive oil on the bud and twist it around the inside
-Use compressed air or a vacuum cleaner to completely dry the earphone bud

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